perjantaina, lokakuuta 27, 2006

Vaippahousuja / Diaper pants

Minut on vallannut säännöllisen epäsäännöllisesti iskevä vaippahousujen neulomisvillitys. Olen viimeisen parin viikon aikana tehnyt kaikki Ruskovillan mallit sekä pari Kestovaippainfosta löytämääni mallia. Vielä on "muutama" malli tehtävänä. Onneksi on kaksi vaipatettavaa! :-) Kestovaipat ovat loistava keksintö, kertiksiä ei meillä tarvita!

I have been hooked on knitted diaper pants (again)... During the past couple of weeks I have made seven pants and I "have to" make a few more still. I', glad I have two sons using diapers... :-) Cloth diapers are so wonderful! We don't need to have "paper-and-plastic"-diapers at all!
Those special yarns for SP:s look so wonderful! I'm so sad it's not possible for me to buy them for myself. I don't have any paypal or anything like this...

2 kommenttia:

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

hi there to my SP9 Pal - this is your SP9 Pal who will be mailing you a wonderful big package full of treasures!!! Your blog is really nice and I have enjoyed reading (the English parts) it - have a wonderful week :o)

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

HI There to my SP9 Pal! this is my again your SP9Pal who gets to spoil you :o) Your BIG package of gifts is on it's way to you - it was mailed Nov.13 with hopes that is arrives for Christmas - however - since I have sending it from so far away (I am in Canada) it'll take a long time to arrive to you - but, rest assured it is on it's way!!!!